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Source: Budapest Airport Budapest Airport donates more than 35 million HUF for Christmas
2024-12-23 08:06 [Médiainfó -]
In line with its corporate social responsibility programme, this year Budapest Airport has again selected organisations and institutions to be supported with a total of 36.5 million HUF on Christmas.

Carlo Messina Marco Delfrate voted best ir professional
2024-09-05 09:29 [Médiainfó -]
Intesa Sanpaolo leads in Europe for relations with investors and analysts and for best esg program.

Photo: Budapest Airport François Berisot is appointed CEO of Budapest Airport
2024-06-26 12:38 [Médiainfó -]
François Berisot is the new CEO of Budapest Airport Zrt., as of 6 June 2024.

b Budapest Airport ended 2023 with a profit of 74 million EUR
2024-05-31 11:09 [Médiainfó -]
Thanks to Budapest Airport's responsible financial management and the company's intensive efforts to recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

Photo: PwC Hungary New Energy & Utilities Director at PwC Hungary
2024-01-25 12:26 [Médiainfó -]
Beáta Szoboszlai will lead the Energy & Utilities Advisory team in her new role.

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